Immigration and family law cases are stressful enough on their own. But when combined, they can be absolutely overwhelming. That’s why working with a law firm that specializes in both immigration law and family law is so important to help create peace of mind for you. At the Law Offices of Jacob D. Geller,...
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For many lucky couples, February marks St. Valentine’s day and often a proposal for marriage. If you are engaged to be married or strongly considering a proposal, you should consider whether your financial or family status warrants a prenuptial agreement. The first step in this process is consulting with a...
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or many couples and families, December and the holiday season is the most stressful time of the year. Couples face each other’s families, friends, coworkers, and parents of their children’s friends and classmates. January begins the new year and represents a time for change. For many couples, the time between...
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The holiday season is quickly approaching. With the holidays comes additional stress for many parents and children either facing a divorce or subject to a parenting or visitation schedule created by the courts or by agreement. Some parents easily agree on pick-up and drop-off schedules for their children for Thanksgiving,...
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On December 22, 2017, Congress approved the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), that made changes to the Internal Revenue Code that will significantly affect child tax credits. Beginning this year, there are changes to the child tax credit that may materially impact the tax benefits of divorced and/or single...
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Geller Benjamin LLP